The Court’s docket includes pending cases which are cases undergoing written procedure and cases undergoing oral procedure (Court hearings). Also, in the case dockets are decided cases which have been closed either by a ruling striking out or dismissing the case preliminary, or by a judgment on the merit. All cases instituted before the Court, from inception are listed here.

CCJ jurisdiction is set out in Article 9 of the 1991 Protocol which states that the court “shall ensure the observance of law and the principles of equity in the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Treaty.” The Court has ruled that this includes jurisdiction over human rights cases. This principle was codified by a 2005 ECOWAS Supplemental Protocol, which states that the CCJ has jurisdiction to hear human rights cases and expands the admissibility rules to include disputes between individuals and their own member states. As a result of these amendments, the CCJ is thus four courts in one: an administrative tribunal for ECOWAS, a human rights court, a court of arbitration, and an Inter-State dispute resolution tribunal